

Amitiés Tissées présente

Vents frais de l'art textile

Fresh Winds of Textile Art

■ Paris

5 to 13 november 2011
de 14h à 20h les week-end et jours féries, sur rendez-vous en semaine

Amitiés Tissées
34, rue Dombale 75015 Paris
tel : +33 (0) 6 23 58 28 45

Louise Renae Anderson New Zealand / United Kingdom
Luce Couillet France
Anne-Laure Coullomb France
Fiona Crestani New Zealand / Austria
Alice Heit in collaboration with Maurin Donneaud France
Jungeun Lee South Korea / United Kingdom
Natsuki Ootake Japan
Ismini Samanidou Greece / United Kingdom
Kim Tattersall United Kingdom
Sachiko Teramura Japan
Nao Yagi Japan

For this 9th edition, Amitiés Tissées will show the work of 11 textile artists from different countries. The exhibition will look at a variety of different works ranging from Louise Renae Anderson, Alice Heit and Nao Yagi’s natural materials and dyeing, to Kim Tattersall’s leathers, Luce Couillet, Fiona Crestani and Jungeun Lee’s metalic and synthetic fibers, to Anne-Laure Coullomb’s technique of hand weaving and Ismini Samanidou’s Jacquard loom. At the more contemporary end of the spectrum, the exhibition will look at the tie-dyeing and stencil dyeing of Sachiko Teramura as well as Natsuki Ootake’s batik and Jungeun Lee’s molding. The works of these artists cover a large field of artistic creation. Sober or colourful, they breathe fresh air into the world of textile.

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